Met a pirate lady, she didn't want to talk to me and continued working, It thought that was rude so I threw her hides on the ground. I didn't really need them at this point so I figured this would wake her up from her stupor, it didn't.
After traveling the rest of the way around the world I ended back in the forest I started in, only what I found was massive devastation the likes I've never seen. I come from a long line of lumberjacks and this was truly epic in proportion, but not as crazy as what i'd come across next..
Scent of assault that went along with a key. This was too big of an opportunity to pass up so I decided to take the key and follow the scent surely what i'd find at the end of this trail would be big.
On the way to the most certainly terrible sight, I found a young-ling camp and decided to leave them some muscles. Hopefully if they get a pearl they'll call me back and share the wealth.
When I finally reached my destination it was all it was cracked up to be, someone had ransacked this poor little hamlet and I didn't even know where to begin to help these poor souls, I decided to look around and see what there was that could be done without risking my own life so easily.
I found the end of the road of these poor defenseless folk. A naked and dead man laying in a poor sod of dirt. I decided I'd seen enough and tossed my scents into the fire, and of course cooked a delicious meal as the embers were still burning.
Took a strange turn down a beach-way and met someone named Kits whom I gifted a rather luxurious gilding i'd found along the way, they said they'd make me a wicker picker. I decided they could be my friend, or perhaps mommy. I'm pretty alone out here.
And to end my evening I met a young man named Leslie, I wanted to trade with him but he was so poor even his clog holes had holes in them. Seriously you have to try really hard to seem this poor. I gave him the rest of my gifts and emptied my bag into his, he was grateful and asked if there way anything he could do for me, I assumed he meant of a personal nature as he was staring at me the whole time, so I said what I say to all who don't have the means, I shall call upon you when the time comes, then I left, I can only assume he's still standing there today, watching me leave.
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